For a printable calendar go to our Membership page

October 7
KLA Fall Board Meeting will be held Friday, October 6, 7:00 pm at the Waterford Library.
The semi-annual meeting of the KLA Board will meet to wrap up the summer and plan for 2023. All are welcome to attend. To read minutes of previous meetings click here.

July 8
We learned how we can help protect Keoka Lake at our hands-on Aquatic Invasive Plant Training, featuring LEA Plant Scientists and Keoka Lake Plant Patrol Ambassadors! Followed by a ride on one of seven pontoon boas expeditions to survey Keoka Lake's five most at-risk areas.
To see photos from this event click here.

October 8
The Waterford Fall 5k road race, fitness walk, and 1 mile fun run will be held on Sunday, October 8. The event raises money for the Tony Waldeier Scholarship Fund. For more information click here.

July 29
The 10th Annual Bud Lazott Memorial Regatta was held on a perfect day for sailing! See the results and photos here.

We all know how much Charlie has done for Keoka. This year, LEA recognized his contribution to protecting Maine lakes.
"Our heartfelt congratulations also go out to Charlie Tarbell for being awarded the Person of the Year Award, for his hard work and commitment to LEA."
Congratulations, Charlie!

August 5
The second annual Keoka Lighted Boat Parade was a big hit! Not only were there beautiful boats, there were also decorated docks. To see the 2023 winners, photos, and videos click here.
Annual Meeting 2023 Recap
by Richard Orr, KLA President
Dozens of members and friends of KLA gathered at the Wilkins House on Saturday, July 8, for coffee, donuts and socializing at 8:30 a.m. before the business meeting began at 9:00.
The business transacted at the meeting included two topics: Donations and Elections.
The membership approved donations to non-profit organizations that serve our community, or that support the mission of protecting lakes. The recipients this year are:
Lakes Environmental Association: $1,200
Lake Stewards of Maine: $100
Maine Lakes Society: $200
Wilkins Community House: $100
Waterford Fire Department: $50
Stoneham Rescue Unit: $50
Total: $1,700
The donations are the same as in recent years with the exception of Lakes Environmental Association (LEA). In prior years, the grant to LEA included both a donation and payment to LEA for water testing in Keoka. The Board felt that because water testing is a fee for service, it should be broken out separately from the donation. The Board, at its May meeting, approved $1,650 for water testing. Of this amount, $1,050 is to continue the same services as in recent years. An additional $600 was approved for an algae-testing pilot program.
The other business of the meeting was to elect officers and directors. As provided for in the Bylaws, the Board made nominations for the Board and for officers. The nominations included two new Board members.
Liz Stockwell was elected to a three-year term as a Board member and elected Treasurer.
Riley Hasson was elected to finish the last two years of a term and elected Secretary.
The other officers are Richard Orr, President, and Brenda Hambleton, Vice President.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to brief reports by Board members and others about the various activities of KLA. For more information, please see the minutes of the Annual Meeting, which are posted here. A complete list of officers and elected is attached to those minutes.
Keoka is more than a lake. It is a community of people that care about the lake, the environment, and the community. We work hard to protect this beautiful place. We want it to continue to be where memories are made for generations to come. Join us.