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Penny Carson
Martha Eaton
helped found KLA in 1971.

KLA50 Anniversary Celebration

by Larry Griffin

Eaton Meadow on the eastern shore of Keoka Lake, Waterford proved to be the perfect setting for the Keoka Lake Association 50th Anniversary Celebration on the crystal-clear afternoon of Saturday, July 9, 2022. Nearly two hundred members and friends of Keoka Lake Association (KLA) gathered (one year delayed due to Covid) to honor the half-century commitment of fervent volunteers who have sought to preserve the health of Keoka Lake for future generations to enjoy.


KLA50 Celebration Committee Co-Chairs, Jo Lynne and David Johnson, kicked off the festivities with an Ode to KLA and recognition of those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to create the success of the KLA50 Capital Campaign and Celebration event.


KLA Past-President and one of the Capital Campaign organizers, Charlie Tarbell, cited KLA’s mission to keep the lake clean, clear, and healthy. For years KLA has supported the Courtesy Boat Inspection and Plant Patrol programs to keep the lake clear of invasive plant species. Establishment of the critically important KLA50 Fund, supported by this Capital Campaign, raised money that will be needed to fund eradication. This is the third readiness component – being able to respond quickly, by getting divers in the water as soon as milfoil (or any invasive plant or animal) is detected. Rather than waiting for an infestation to occur, KLA has taken the proactive step of assuring readiness to address any situation that may arise.


KLA is fortunate to have 95% of lake property owners as members, and many other members who are lake users or friends of the lake. Many KLA members are also members of the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA). With this strong membership base, KLA is a phenomenal example of what may be accomplished when a group of dedicated volunteers harnesses the support of those who enjoy the benefits of a healthy Maine lake.


Aided by Jo Lynne and David Johnson, with a Reveal Board prepared for the occasion, Charlie Tarbell announced the Capital Campaign raised a “war chest” of over $144,500 to address the time not if, but when invasives or other dangers threaten Keoka Lake. Until the time the KLA50 Fund is needed to protect the lake, it is being held in reserve for that purpose.


Guests to the meadow were treated to hors d’oeuvres interspersed with sharing stories and narratives since they had last gathered pre-Covid. Second String, a local band featuring Colin Holme, Executive Director of the LEA, and other staff of LEA, performed as guests filled the Gala tent. Applause erupted when Martha Eaton, one of the two remaining founders of the KLA present, was announced as the raffle winner of the gorgeous handmade quilt depicting the four seasons on Keoka Lake.

KLA50 Article




Angela Adams

Tom & JoAnn Aiello

Del & Irene Angers

Brenda Applin

Joe & Aurelia Braun

Tod Brown & Nancy Godwin

John & June Caldwell

Penny Carson

Tom Chadbourne/KAMP, Inc

Mark & Katherine deKanter

Al & Patty Graves

Brenda Hambleton & Mick Bosowski

Clara Hamlin

Doss & Jonathan Hasson

John & Charlotte Huffman

Dan & Rosemarie Johnson

Merri Lee Johnson

Wilma Johnson

Bill & Maureen Kennedy

Linda Kilburn & Bruce Peterson

Arne & Hannah Klepinger

Kokosing Vacation Club, Inc.

Mark & Carleen Lenassi

Patricia Lenassi

Chris Lingamfelter

Seth & Amity Shlaes-Lipsky

Brent & Erin McCarter

Peter & Jane Morse

Michael & Paige Nalipinski

Ted Nixon

John & Claire Pendergast

Margaret H. Pierce

Tobin Piker

Bill & Janet Robichaud

The Rounds Family 

Don & Diane Rung

Tim Sawyer

Jim & Heidi Schellenger

Alan & Kathy Souza

Kim Struck

Greg & Patty Tingley

Dan & Priscilla Treadwell

Janet Truman

John & Dodi Wait

Bonnie Weiss & Ian Grosse

Meg Wheeler

Barry & Ann Wickersham

Jim Wilcox



David & Ruth Abbiati by Joe & Tony Abbiati 

George, Ginny & Carol Brett by Nan Brett 

Phil & Helen Buchert by Al & Jean Struck

John A. Cashman by John & Karen O’Brien

Lawt Hammett, Jane Wilson Hammett, and Phyllis Hammett by Tom & Lisa Reynolds Hammett

Phyllis Hammett by Susan Plume

Dot & Ross Hubbard by Jim & Diane Flynn, Mary Flynn, Larry & Cathy Griffin, John & Ellen Hart, Brian & Moira Hubbard and Tom & Chris Hubbard

Aldie E. Johnson, Jr.  by Amanda C. Johnson 

Aldie E. Johnson, Jr. by David & Jo Lynne Johnson 

Bud & Margaret Lazott by Steven & Janet Rung

Betty Miller by Carrie B. Johnson

Betty Miller by William Mason 

James M. & Charlotte Longley Orr and Marian Morse – by Richard Orr & Cindy Courtney

Evy & Willy Robichaud by Bill & Janet Robichaud

Larry & Alice Rounds by the Rounds/Conway family

Laura Douglass Schaefer by Tom & Mole Schaefer

Edward I. Singer by Karen Wright

Howard & Dorothy Stockwell by the Stockwell/Tarbell/Eaton family

Jim & Rachel Tabor by Andy & Liz Tabor and Jim & Gretchen Tabor Heath

The Tyler/Cutler family by Denny & Ginny Raymond


Charlie Tarbell by Chip & Beth Mason


Ginger Eaton

Tom & Lisa Hammett

David & Jo Lynne Johnson

Arne & Hannah Klepinger

Richard Orr & Cindy Courtney

Denny & Ginny Raymond

Tom & Mole Schaefer

Al & Jean Struck

Charlie & Antoinette Tarbell


The Eaton family - use of their meadow

Liz Tempesta, Mole Schaefer and Jane Traill - the flowers

The Town of Waterford - use of the tables/chairs

Second String - the music

Ginger Eaton - KLA50 logo design

Ginia Brannan - the signage

Barb VanderZanden & Jan Beckwermert-the Anniversary cakes

Bill Stockwell - KLA50 Capital Campaign counsel services


the many behind-the-scenes volunteers

"Ode to KLA" by David Johnson

KLA50 Video by 

Ode to Keoka.png
KLA50 Donors
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