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Regatt Route Map with Sailboat and Viewing.png
Saturday, July 27, 2024
(Rain Date:  Sunday, July 28)

1:00 pm  Registration
1:30 pm  Captain's Meeting
2:00 pm  Regatta starts
Sponsored by KLA

Celebrating the
11th sailing of the

Bud Lazott
Memorial Regatta & the 5th Camp Cup

Contact Al Struck for further details and questions.

For stories and photos of the:
2024 race click here.
2023 race click here
2022 race click here.
Printable Documents:
Route Map

Two races will take place simultaneously on July 27th.  First, the 11th Annual Bud Lazott Memorial Regatta, which is for non-campers. Previous versions have waxed and waned with the aging of participants and interest in sailing. Which brings us to the second race:  the KLA-sponsored Camp Cup! This race was started four years ago in order to spark interest of young sailors who attend camps in the Waterford area. We have had participation from Camp Waziyatah, Birch Rock, Wigwam, and Fern Cove. The number of young sailors has increased annually, making for an exciting afternoon of racing. 



The race begins at the Keoka Beach Campground, which is on the south shore. Here, participants put their boats together, get them inspected by our KLA Boat Inspector, and register for the Regatta. 



Regatta Day starts in the calm of early morning, when buoys are set to mark the course. Note: we stay south of Rock Island to avoid boats fetching up on the rocks and ruining a fun day. (See “Where to Watch The Race,” below)

  • 1:00 pm:   The boats begin to arrive at the campground, where Chris Searles has generously allowed us to use a portion of his beach for registration, assembly, and award presentation. 

  • 1:30 pm:   There is a Captain's meeting during which the course and rules, such as the requirement to wear a Personal Flotation Device, are reviewed. The start sequence is reviewed: 3-minute warning, 2-minute warning, 1-minute warning, and the start signal. 

  • 2:00 pm:   Hearing the start signal, the entire fleet heads north for the first mark, a red colored buoy, which they must take on the port (left) side of their boat, then west across the lake to the second mark, a green colored buoy, again taking it on their port side. They head east to the final mark, a white buoy, which is taken on the starboard (right) side and finally south, back to the start/finish line. 

    The “Committee Boat” records the boats as they cross the finish line. Their decision is final. When the final boat crosses the line, the record of finishes is brought to the Beach and awards are made for 1st and 2nd in each class of the Camp Cup and the winner of the Camp Cup. The winner of spots on the Bud Lazott plaque are then presented to 1st and 2nd in the Open Class, and 1st and 2nd in the Laser Class.  This year the awards will be specially made by our local artist, Sharon Harrison, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of this latest iteration of the KLA Regatta.


Where to Watch the Race

Come to Keoka Beach Campground for a sandwich or pizza to see the start and finish action from the beach.  The Town Beach is also a great viewing location. If you are planning to watch from a boat, you can anchor at Rock Island, but no further south than the marked Rocks of Turd Rock and Sunken Island. This will keep you safely out of the course but give you a clear view of the fleet. Town Beach will give you a view of the start and finish, and two legs of the race as the fleet heads north on the first leg, and then the end of the third leg and finish.


Now that you know all there is to know about our Regatta come on out and support your favorite boat and crew! Yell, scream, chant, sing, blow horns; whatever you need to do to let your favorite boat know you are rooting for them. See you there!


Regatta Board.JPG
Sharon Harrison Design_edited.jpg


Please register for the Bud Lazott Memorial Regatta.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Registration begins at Keoka Beach Campground 1:00 pm.  (See above for route map.)

Questions? E-Mail:

Thanks for registering!
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