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July 23

The North Waterford church is hosting public suppers starting at 5:00 pm on May 18, June 15, July 9 and 23, and September 3.

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July 19-21

It wouldn't be summer without the Waterford World's Fair  For all of the details click here.

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October 13

The Waterford Fall 5k road race, fitness walk, and 1 mile fun run will be held on Sunday, October 13.  The event raises money for the Tony Waldeier Scholarship Fund.  Look for the KLA table to buy merchandise.  For more information click here.

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July 17, 31 & August 14

Wilkins House Breakfasts will be served from 7 to 10 am on July 4, 17, 31 and August 14.  Come enjoy the food and friendship.  KLA items will be on on sale outside the Wilkins House.  Volunteer and be part of the fun!


July 27

The 11th Annual Bud Lazott Memorial Regatta will be held on July 27.  Registration stars at 1 pm at the Keoka Beach Campground.  See the results and photos here.

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Enjoy produce, meats, baked goods, and more from local producers.  The Waterford Farmers' Market is open every Monday from 3-5 pm.


July 13

The KLA Annual Member Meeting wase held at the Wilkins House on July 13.  To read minutes of meetings click here.

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August 3

The third annual Keoka Lighted Boat Parade will be held on August 3.  Stay tuned for more details on how to enjoy this event.  To see the 2023 winners, photos, and videos click here.



Keoka is more than a lake.  It is a community of people that care about the lake, the environment, and the community.  We work hard to protect this beautiful place.  We want it to continue to be where memories are made for generations to come.  Join us.

Dear Lake Lovers,


As the newly elected President of KLA I want to introduce myself and the current slate of officers.  (Minutes of the July 13 annual meeting are available here.)  It will surprise many of you to learn that we have owned our place on Winding Trail for 25 years.  We were "stealth" lake lovers during our working years.  We would pack our four kids (now in their thirties) in the van with our dalmatian and head up from New Hampshire on Friday night.  We swam, paddled, and rode around in our 1971 Boston Whaler until it was time to head back after lunch on Sunday.  (We finally got a new pontoon boat - look out for the Looney Toon.)


Since my husband Mick Bosowski and I retired, and our kids left the nest, we have come up for most of the summer and often during the fall, winter, and spring.  That is when I became more active with KLA.  I am frequently referred to as the "book lady" as I worked with Charlie Tarbell and Nancy Eaton to create the Keoka Lake book for the KLA50 celebration.  It was a great COVID project and it helped me learn a lot about the lake and the people that love it.


Now I work on the website and help the Communications Team (Claire Pendergast, Priscilla Treadwell, and Melissa Tarbell) with the newsletter and social media.  I also served as Vice President with Richard Orr.


Jonathan Hasson is KLA's new Vice President.  His wife, Doss, has had family in the area since the early 1800s.  Jonathan and Doss have just finalized their move to Waterford from Connecticut.  Liz Stockwell and Riley Hasson are continuing to serve as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.  Bios of the Officers and other Board Members can be viewed here.


Jonathan and I hope to extend our work with KLA to focus on the watershed and engaging the next generation of lake lovers.  The saying goes that "you are what you eat," and our lake is very much what the brooks and streams bring into it.  We need to ensure that our prevention and protection go beyond the shoreline.


My grandson arrived home to NH from 4th of July after a three-hour drive.  He got out of the car saying "I love Maine!" over and over.  We need to nurture that love of the lake in our younger generations so they will take over the stewardship from us.  We believe that the best way of doing that is encouraging enjoyment of our special lake through programs that educate and provide fun.


Penny Carson got KLA going and was the first KLA President, serving two terms between 1971 and 1980. There has not been a woman President since then. I hope to live up to her vision for KLA. Thanks to the many KLA volunteers. If you have been watching from the sidelines, now is the time to get involved. Have a great summer!


Brenda Hambleton

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Keoka Lake Association (KLA) is a volunteer organization supported by those who love Keoka Lake -whether landowners along its shores, Waterford citizens/taxpayers who use and treasure the lake, or those who have experienced the lake and hold a special place for it In their hearts. 



Keoka Lake is a beautiful spring-fed lake with an active community of lake lovers.  Learn about our lake, its wildlife, and how to protect this special place for future generations.


Supported primarily by member dues, KLA is committed to maintaining the health and safety of Keoka Lake, especially in the face of the threat of invasives, both flora and fauna, and naturally-occurring and manmade environmental threats.  Join us and become a member and a volunteer. 

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Let's Get



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Thanks to our artists, photographers, writers, and editors for sharing their time and work.  Special thanks to professional photographers:


Darylann Leonard Photography  Shauna Sprunger, and LeeAnne Conway Photography for allowing us to use their work.


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Keoka Lake Association is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.

Keoka Lake Association

PO Box 97

Waterford, ME  04088

© 2023 Keoka Lake Association

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