Become a Member
Please pay your dues annually by July 1! Most KLA expenses are incurred in the summer so we need the money earlier than the end of the year. Memberships are for individual $25 per person per year and each member is entitled to vote at the annual meeting.
You can become a member by:
Downloading the Printable Dues Membership Form and mailing it with a check to the address provided on the form (you can also make a donation using this form) or
Filling in the online form below and using the Pay Now button below to pay via PayPal, Venmo, debit, or credit card (we have added $1.00 per membership to cover the processing costs). You do not need to have a PayPal or Venmo account to use the debit or credit card option. This system only takes payment for membership dues. If you would like to make a donation, please use the printable membership form and send a check.
Your interest and support in maintaining a membership in the Keoka Lake Association helps promote the following types of programs being handled by current memberships:
Milfoil prevention through Courtesy Boat Inspections.
Regular water quality testing in coordination with the LEA Lake Monitoring Program.
Water depth regulation, dam maintenance and control.
Aids to safe boating including navigation markers at the public boat launch and swimming area.
Close working relationship with the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) on special funding projects related to water quality and improvement including the education of lakefront property owners and the public, monitoring of lake plant materials including potential invasives and mitigation planning for identified shoreland problems negatively affecting water quality.
Work with Town of Waterford, Department of Environmental Protection, LEA, Lake Stewards of Maine and its Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program for other programs and grants to help maintain the high water quality of the lake and its surroundings.
Keoka Lake Association is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.